When I was in my early twenties I had this terrible experience that can greatly affect most of us women at some point in our life.
I had yeast infection that caused huge impact in my daily routine.I had to wear pads daily because of the thick white discharges that are coming out from my vagina. Endured the burning sensation and the intense level of itchiness because I was too embarass to consult a doctor. I couldn't tell anyone about my condition because I was afraid about how others would think.
I could say that having to experienced yeast infection was one of the most stressful event of my life. Almost everyday I spent my time browsing the internet about what could be the best remedy to atleast alleviate the extreme itchiness that I've been through, it was too itchy to the extent that I want to rip off my vagina.
I've tried so many home remedies that I read from the internet but unfornutely it didn't work for me. I've literally tried inserting clove of garlic wrap with gauze inside my vagina ang even putting yogurt in but it didn't help my condition at all untill I've discovered a product that worked for me.
I found BETADINE 7.5% Feminine Wash. It's a rinse-off formula for cleansing and relief of general itching and irritation in the intimate area. I used it as a Vaginal Douche or vaginal irrigation. Douching is washing or cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids.
Here is how I cure my yeast infection using BETADINE Feminine Wash by douching or vaginal irrigation:
#Mix water with 3-5 drops of betadine solution in a small glass of water.
#Instill the solution in the douchebag or you may also use syringe. I used 3cc syringe because I couldn't find any douchebag in our area. (When using syringe don't forget to remove the needle)
#Start douching. Inserting the douchebag or syringe with the solution to your vagina and flash it.
I felt an instant relief from itchiness after trying it on the first day but I continued doing it for at least 5 days twice a day every morning and before going to bed. I douche for 5 days and continued using the betadine feminine wash.
There's also a betadine 10% feminine wash that is for douching that comes with a douchebag I'm just not sure if it's available in my country.
I'm NOT encouraging you to try this because it may help or may worsen your condition. It is still best to consult a doctor.

This is my first time to publish a blog and I'm still learning how to position images.